Thursday, November 10, 2011

Months and days of the Mandarin

China is very famous in the country with the system calendar Lunar Calendar, which has been used for thousands of years. Up to this time the Chinese people around the world still apply the dating system in their daily lives, and some of the china are also using the calendar system BC, in the sense of the china used two calendars, then do not be surprised if every Chinese can celebrate birthday 2 times. Calendar Month calendar system in china is not easy complicated enough, so let's start with simple sentences and generally for the calendar month of BC in Mandarin ....

Below are examples of the month and day names in the language mandarin.

The name of the month in Mandarin it is not difficult as we imagine quite easily as an example: in January 一月 Yi Yue (first month), 一 = 1 (one), 月 = Month.
So the name of the month January to December in Mandarin is:
YI 一月 yue: January
二月 er yue: February
三月 San yue: March
SI 四月 yue: April
五月 Wǔ yue: May
六月 Liu yue: June
七月 Qi yue: July
八月 Ba yue: August
九月 Jiǔ yue: September
十月 Shíyuè: October
Shi Yi 十一月 yue: November
十二月 Shi er yue: December

Now the names of the days in Mandarin, Monday to Saturday:

星期一 Xīngqí Yi: Monday
星期二 Xīngqí Er: Tuesday
星期三 Xīngqí san: Wednesday
星期四 Xīngqí Si: Thursday
星期五 Xīngqí wǔ: Friday
星期六 Xīngqí Liu: Saturday
星期天 or Xīngqí tiān or ri 日: Sunday

While the word 礼拜 Lǐbài mostly in use by the people of Taiwan, for example 礼拜一 Lǐbài Yi: Monday, 礼拜天 Lǐbài Tian: Sunday

If in mainland China are also using the word 周 Zhou, Example: 周二 Zhou Er: Tuesday, Zhou 周日 RI: Sunday

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